
15-Minute Low Impact Tabata HIIT #25DaysofMFit

It’s Day 15 of the #25DaysofMFit which means there are only 10 workouts left of this challenge. Keep working hard until the last day! Today I only need 15-minutes of your time for a low impact Tabata HIIT workout.

I know you have 15-minutes to spare today, so I don’t want to hear any excuses. Grab some dumbbells and get ready to work.

As I said, today we are doing at HIIT workout. This means we will be doing fast on/off intervals. Typically HIIT workouts include a lot of jumping, but this is a HIIT workout that everyone can do because it is entirely low impact… no jumping at all! Low impact does not mean easy though. This is going to be a challenging workout and will leave you feeling exhausted! Let’s go!

If you are enjoying my #25DaysofMFit challenge, please take a moment to check out my home workout plans. I have several 2-week, 4-week and 8-week home workouts plans that would be the perfect next fitness challenge for you. Take this short quiz to see which plans is right for you!

Try the low impact Tabata HIIT workout below!

Tabata > 20-seconds on / 10-seconds off / 4-minutes

Tabata #1
A. Front Kick Shoulder Press
B. Walk Down

Tabata #2
A. Half Rainbow Side Kick
B. Reach Up/Down Punch

Tabata #3
A. Forward – Backward Step with Curl to Press
B. Weighted Bob & Weave & Punch

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