
Finish The Minute Total Body Workout #25DaysofMFit

I can’t believe it is already Day 7 of the #25DaysofMFit — each day is going by so fast! Remember to share these workouts with your friends and family if you have been enjoying them. It is so much more fun to do a challenge like this with a group.

Today is a new structure of workout for the MFit channel. This is an “every minute on the minute” or as I like to call it “finish the minute.” Here is how this will work: I will set a timer for one minute. Then we will do 10 reps of a certain, strength-based, exercise. Following those 10 reps you will do cardio for however much time remains in the minute… hence, finish the minute.

This is great way to both build muscle and burn fat. Of course this workout is only 15-minutes long, but if you are working hard enough, you will see major results.

As we are a week into this workout challenge, I want to remind you that working out is only part of what will help you reach your goals. If you want to see changes of the next 25 days, you should be doing the following: working hard during the workouts, eating well 80% of the time, and moving around daily. You have to be active in your day-to-day life. Aim for 10,000 steps a day (the universal average for an “active” person).

But, let’s get to the workout! If you prefer to print off the workout and do it on your own, follow the instructions below:

Do 3 sets, 3-minutes, of the following EMOM:

Reverse fly into narrow rows (10 reps) + Finish the minute with line hops

Do side shuffles for 1-minute (as fast as you can)

Take 1-minute of rest

Do 3 sets, 3-minutes, of the following EMOM:

Front raise squat (10 reps) + Finish the minute with quick feet

Take 1-minute of rest

Do 3 sets, 3-minutes, of the following EMOM:

Plie squat with around the world arms + Finish the minute with high knees

Do side shuffles for 1-minute (as fast as you can)

Be sure to SHARE this workouts with your friends and give everyone the gift of health this year.

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