Over the past year, I have fallen in love with low impact HIIT cardio workouts. I used to do crazy HIIT routines every other day. While I still enjoy those routines, low impact cardio is my jam now.
This kind of workout will help you burn body fat, get a good sweat on, and keep your joints safe. Don’t be fooled by the “low impact” label. These workouts aren’t easy. I have perfected the art of creating a joint-friendly workout that is still incredibly challenging.
Low impact workouts are good for everyone. Whether you are trying to workout quietly in your apartment or you need a workout that is gentle on the knees, this workout will deliver.
Try the low impact HIIT cardio workout below.
Do 3 sets of the following superset. Work for 30-seconds, rest for 10-seconds.
A. Tap and Overhead Reach
B. Side Shuffle Crossbody Reach
Do 3 sets of the following circuit. Work for 30-seconds, rest for 10-seconds.
A. Tap Back Knee with Bicep Curl
B. Squat Press (modify: push press)
C. Plank
Do 2 sets of the following circuit. Work for 40-seconds, rest for 10-seconds.
A. Butt Kick Row
B. Forward/Backward Step
C. Front Kicks
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