
15-Minute Total Body Sculpting Routine

This total body sculpting routine is only 15-minutes and can be done at home! If you’re looking for an easy to follow home workout… here it is!

If you only have a short amount of time to workout today, this kind of workout is perfect for you. My Bootcamp Flow style workouts are non-stop. In this video we will do tons of exercises, and we won’t be resting at all. Each movements is connected so it feels like a dance.

If you are looking for a different way to get your cardio in, try this routine. The non-stop nature will get your heart rate up the entire time while you sculpt your whole body.

Want more workouts like this? Checkout my 2-Week Mini Band Cardio Plan. The workouts in that plan are non-stop, just like the one below. You will need  mini bands for that home workout plan, but we will be using dumbbells in today’s workout. If you are in need of either of those workout tools, check out my MFit Amazon store.

Follow along with the total body sculpting routine below.

Do one set of each exercise:

Squat (15 reps)
Squat press (15 reps)
Quick up/down squat (15 reps)
Walk down to spiderman (10 reps)
Walk down to lunge (10 reps)
Static lunge twist, right (30 seconds)
Rocking lunge into knee taps, right (30 reps)
Straight curtsy lunge, right (15 reps)
Push-ups (10 reps)
Static lunge twist, left (30 seconds)
Rocking lunge into knee taps, left (30 reps)
Straight curtsy lunge, left (15 reps)
Curl to press (15 reps)
Overhead tricep (15 reps)
Squat jack (10 reps)
Squat jack press (10 reps)
Front to side raise (10 reps)
Back lunge bicep curl (20 reps)
Tap & punch press (20 reps)
Quick feet (30 seconds)

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