Welcome back to the #25DaysofMFit. Day 8 is going to be a sweaty cardio routine that you all are going to LOVE. Today we will be doing a 14-minute apartment friendly steady state cardio routine.
Steady state cardio should feel different than your HIIT routines do. During steady state cardio, your goal is to get your heart rate up to a level where you are breathing heavy but are still able to talk in short sentences.
During HIIT, your goal is to be completely out of breath and barely able to speak. HIIT workouts are much shorter than steady state cardio routines and include much more rest. It is important to incorporate both HIIT and steady state cardio in your weekly routine.
If you have been enjoying my #25DaysofMFit challenge, please take a moment to check out my home workout plans. I have several 2-week, 4-week and 8-week home workouts plans that would be the perfect next fitness challenge for you. Take this short quiz to see which plans is right for you!
Follow along with the apartment friendly steady state cardio!
Do 1-minute of each exercise, no rest.
1. Tap Overhead Reach
2. Bob & Weave
3. Knee Side Kick, right
4. Cross Body Punches
5. Knee Side Kick, left
6. Forward – Backward Quick Steps
7. Rainbows
8. Overhead March
9. Overhead Kick
10. Front Kick – Back Kick
11. Twisting Knee Pulls
12. Forward – Backward Quick Steps with Speedbag
13. Bob & Weave & Punch
14. Walk Down Reach