
31-Day Plank Challenge

Are you ready for a new fitness challenge? This October, I will be hosting a 31-day plank challenge here on my website! This challenge is completely free, so CLICK HERE to sign up.

The goal of the 31-day plank challenge is quite simple; we will be doing 1-minute of a different plank exercise everyday for 31 days. The plank exercises will start off simple and progressively get more challenging as the 31 days go by. I’ve recorded 31 videos for you to follow along with as your do your planks everyday!

If you want to improve your planks, strengthen your core, and learn how to do better push-ups… join the challenge!

31-day plank challenge

If you like fitness challenges like this one, be sure to check out my other challenges like the 30 day ab challenge and the 30 day stretch challenge!

Looking for something a little more in depth than a quick workout challenge? Pick up one of my home workout plans! I have several 2-week and 4-week workout plans that will really challenge and transform your body. Take this short quiz to see what workout plan is right for you!

Take a look at the video below for a preview of the 31-day plank challenge!

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