Welcome back to the #25DaysofMFit. We have made it to Day 19. I can not believe we are almost done with this year’s challenge. We have already done 18 killer workouts, and we aren’t stopping yet! Today I have an amazing back and bicep workout for you.
I did this workout from my living room with light 5-pound dumbbells. And it only took 14-minutes. I am telling you this because I don’t want to hear any excuses. You can do this workout anywhere. If you don’t have dumbbells, use some water bottles. If you don’t have a lot of space or time to workout – you don’t need either.
It still amazes me that a 14-minute workout like this one can be so challenging. Within the first few minutes of this workout, my muscles were already exhausted. That just goes to show you, I don’t mess around with these MFit workouts.
I know you all have busy lives, and can’t devote hours a day to fitness. That is why I created the #25DaysofMFit challenge. These workouts are short, but they pack a punch. These videos will transform your body in just 15-minutes or less!
I hope you enjoy this workout as much as I enjoyed filming it. Make sure you check back tomorrow for Day 20 of the challenge, or if you can’t wait that long – join the #25DaysofMFit challenge on my website to receive all 25 workout videos today!
Try the back and bicep workout.
Do 1 set of each exercise:
Reverse Fly – unweighted (20 reps)
Airplane Fly – unweighted (20 reps)
High Row – unweighted (20 reps)
Forearm Plank Retraction (15 reps)
Reverse Fly to Narrow Row (10 reps)
Narrow Row (20 reps)
Slow Arm Circles (10 reps)
Airplane Fly to High Row (15 reps)
Double Curl (10 reps)
Bicep Curl (15 reps)
Slow Arm Circles (10 reps)
Rotation Curl (15 reps)