Welcome to Day 4 of the #25DaysofMFit! If you’re new here, this is my annual holiday workout challenge. For this challenge, I will be posting a new workout video everyday for the next 25 days. These workouts will only be 15-minutes long. So, if you are busy or just don’t want to spend a lot of time working out, this challenge is for you! Today we are doing a standing abs & cardio workout.
I love this workout, and I think you will too! I’ve included a lot of creative exercise that will shape your abs while getting your heart rate up. Some of the exercises look a little silly, but sometimes you have to look silly to work those hard to reach core muscles!
If you want more workouts like this, check out my 4-Week Flat Abs Plan. That 28-day home workout plan includes lots of cardio, core, and total body workouts! If training your abs and losing weight is a goal of yours, I highly recommend it!
Make sure you tune in tomorrow for Day 5 of the #25DaysofMFit. Or, if you don’t feel like waiting, click here to get early access to the remaining workout videos!
Try the standing abs & cardio workout below!
Do 1 set of each exercise:
Hip opener (30-seconds)
Tap + Reach (30-seconds)
Reach Up & Out (15 reps each way)
Sumo Squat + Arms Push (25 reps)
Alternating Check Marks in Sumo (20 reps)
Baby Knee Pulls (30 reps)
Wide March + Arms (30 reps)
Knee (10 reps)
Knee, Jab – Cross (5 reps)
Optional Hop (10 reps)
Standing Tug of War (30 reps)
Hip Tuck (30 reps)