
16-Minute Apartment Friendly Workout (Low Impact)

Are you short on time and space? I got you covered! This 16 minute workout is perfect for a small apartment or hotel room. An added bonus… it does not require any equipment or jumping! So you can literally do it anywhere at any time!

I have been doing this 16 minute cardio routine on days where I just don’t have time, but I still want to get a good sweat in. It’s also perfect for those lazy days at home where you feel like you should do something but don’t want to commit to too much. All you have to do is stand up and open the video. This workout includes a warm-up and cool down, so just press play and your workout will be complete in 20 minutes!

Follow along with me or print out the workout below!

Do each exercise for 1-minute with NO REST between exercises.

1. Tap Back Front Kick
2. 2 Front Kicks / 2 Back Kicks
3. Walk Down Back Lunges
4. Commando Plank
5. Forearm Plank
6. Sumo Squat to Star
7. Sumo Hold Punches
8. Half Rainbow Side Kick (right)
9. Pulsing Squat Progression
10. Half Rainbow Side Kick (left)
11. Plank Opposite Reaches
12. Warrior Oblique Crunches (right)
13. Warrior Oblique Crunches (left)
14. Pulsing Narrow Squat into Walking Burpee
15. Spiderman Plank
16. Mountain Climber Push-up

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