
Back & Tricep Workout + Ab Bonus

Back and triceps are two of my favorite muscle groups to work, and we are working both in this workout. Today I have a great at-home upper body workout for you. In this workout I will only be using 5lb dumbbells… Many people have light dumbbells or something like it at home (canned food, water bottles, books). BE SURE to stick around to the end of the video for an ab bonus!

Take modifications if you need to! This workout is meant to help you, not hurt you!

One thought on “Back & Tricep Workout + Ab Bonus

  1. Hey!! Just finished my workouts – feels great!! Exhausted…

    Idea – at office workout – what you could do in my office for example. Obviously couldn’t get too sweaty but something quick every day to help keep people healthy in workplace. Wellness big deal at many companies

    Love u

    Sent from my iPhone


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