Happy New Year! Every year we make resolutions. Most of the time, we don’t stick to them. Here are three resolutions you should keep this year.
Get in shape
Whether you join a gym or purchase one of my home workout plans, find a way to make fitness a priority this year. Make goals for yourself. If you want to lose weight, join a program like my 4-Week Slim Down. If you want to build muscle, talk to a trainer about how to safely do that.
Your goals don’t have to be that big either. Make small goals, so that the big goals don’t feel so overwhelming. If you want to run a marathon at the end of the year, focus on running for 10 minutes straight first!
Getting in shape helps you look good and feel good so you can have more years to make resolutions.
Focus on your mental health
In the past, I’ve made these resolutions: sleep more, stress less, work on jealousy, control my road rage, be less of a perfectionist… and so on. All of those relate back to mental health.
Even more so than physical health, you need to get your mind healthy this year. Last fall I read the book, Heal Your Drained Brain by Dr. Mike Dow. This book discusses all about how to handle stress. As someone who has dealt with a lot of anxiety, I found the book to be extremely helpful. Whether or not you read this book or another self-help book, find a way to improve your mind this year.
Learn a new language
Yes, learning a new language can help with your communication skills and will look good on your resume, but that is not why I think you should keep this resolution. The world is so divided right now. We all need to play a part in bringing everyone together. Learning a new language can help you connect with different people. With apps like Duolingo and websites like Rosetta Stone, there are plenty of ways to learn a new language! Get to it and find new people to connect with all over the world.