You make all the right food choices. You stay away from fast food and high sugar snacks. Your fridge is stocked with veggies and protein. So why aren’t you losing weight? It is likely because of the #1 mealtime mistake. Portion control.
Portion control is the biggest problem I see in my clients diet and my own. Most people eat too much, and some eat too little. The good new is, this is fairly easy to fix.
The first piece of advice I want to give you is to measure out your food before you eat it.
Invest in a food scale or measure your food with measuring cups. Look up the correct serving size of everything you eat and be meticulous about eating just that amount.
If this is too much work, use your hands to measure out your food. Your protein serving should be the size of your palm. Carbohydrates should be the size of your fist. And fats should be the size of your thumb.
Also, make sure you can see all of your food on the plate. Avoid serving your food in a big pile on your plate. This disguises the amount of food you are eating. Section out your plate by protein, vegetables and grains before you dig in!
This may sound odd, but if you struggle with overeating, try serving your food on smaller plates. Eating off of a smaller plate allows you to eat less while still feeling like you are eating a full plate of food (because technically you are).
Try these tips and see how they improve the #1 mealtime mistake. I hope this helps with your weight loss journey!